This course is designed to provide a general introduction for anyone interested in understanding and using machine learning; it covers the core machine learning concepts plus more state-of-the-art approaches, also planning and evaluating a machine learning project, plus outlining the potential pitfalls involved.
Learner Profile:
Managers who want to learn the language and tools of machine learning.
What will you get:
Day 1 Pre-Work
AI Basics 1. Introduction to AI, history of AI, private vs. industrial data, AI vs. ML, learning vs. programming, types of AI in production.
AI Basics 2. Neural networks, how to train neural nets, deep learning, real-world applications.
AI Basics 3. Principle of machine learning, supervised / unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, applications of machine learning in production
Module 01: Understand what ML is and when to use it
Module 02 : What is the workflow of a ML project
Module 03 & 04 : Get familiar with a set of specific ML algorithms
Module 05: Understand how Deep Learning works
Module 06: Q&A
Online Virtual Classroom
12 - 14 hours
6.5 hours Engineers Ireland Accredited CPD
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