ABB IRC5 Programming and Operation

The Programming and Operations course is designed for a beginner to become familiar with the entire robotic system including the mechanical and control systems. The learner will learn basic programming and how to run the robot in both manual, automatic and interrogate the event and error logs. Learn to use instructions like Move, Compact IF, IF Then, While and Test. The course also cover working with numbers, memory structure and cycle times.



Learner profile:

For beginners - No Prerequisites

What you will get:

At the end of the course the learners will be able to demonstrate the following:

Safe program operation

FlexPendant operation

System start up, shut down and error recovery

Jog the robot with the Joystick

RAPID programming, editing, testing and reset

Appreciation of basic program structure and flow

Backup and Restore of system information

    Course Content (Modules)

    Module 1: Safety Instructions

    Safe working practices

    Emergency stops and recovery

    Enabling device

    Modes of operation and Safety interlocks

    Brake release and Pinch points

    Module 2: System description

    Robot and external mechanical units

    Control system, Operators panel and FlexPendant

    Start up and Shut down procedures

    Module 3: Program operation

    Starting, stopping and stepwise program operation

    The ‘Program editor’ and ‘Production’ windows

    Manual and Automatic operation

    Override speeds

    Continuous & Cycle running modes

    Debug menu and program reset and collision awareness

    Module 4: Jogging the robot using the joystick

    Joint axis and linear jogging

    Tool orientation

    Coordinate systems

    Jog speed and incremental positioning

    Module 5: Event messages and logs

    Error identification


    Module 6: Programming RAPID

    The program Editor

    Routines and program flow

    Move instructions (MoveJ, MoveL and MoveC)

    Editing Speed and Zone data

    Modifying positions

    Saving Programs

    Module 7: Tool Centre points

    TCP theory and definition

    Module 8: Work object coordinates

    Work object theory and definition

    Module 9: Logical instructions

    Digital Inputs (WaitDI, WaitUntil)

    Digital Outputs (Set, Reset, SetDO)

    Waiting for time

    Descision making instructions

    Compact IF, IF Then…



    Module 10: Working with numbers

    Increment, Decriment, Clear

    Assigning a value

    Module 11: FlexPendant messaging instructions

    TPWrite, TPErase, TPShow, TPReadNum, TPReadFK

    Module 12: Evaluating cycle times

    Clock data, clock instructions and clock reading function

    Module 13: Task memory structure

    Program and System Modules

    Backup and Restore

    Duration/Delivery Mode:

    4.5 Days - Face to Face Classroom